This year, MKCC Conservative Group have proposed eight budget amendments focused on issues that matter to our residents.
These amendments will be debated at MKCC Full Council meeting this Wednesday (21st February)
They are as follows:
1. Play Areas
That a thorough investigation is carried out across all Milton Keynes City Councilowned play parks to understand the extent of current liabilities and the upgrades required. That this should be reported to Corporate Oversight and Scrutiny Management Committee in September and considered as part of the 25/26 budget proposals.
2. Youth Services
a) That in light of the regretful closure of YIS, that a comprehensive analysis of independent providers of youth services is carried out to determine which providers are at risk of closure and how this Council can allocate it’s funding most appropriately. The findings of this investigation will be considered as part of the 25/26 budget proposals.
b) That this Council requests the Youth Council to investigate and assess the needs of youth services for young people in Milton Keynes, that these findings are costed, reported to Corporate Oversight and Scrutiny Management Committee in September and considered as part of the 25/26 budget proposals
3. Election Costs & Public Transport
That this Council commits to the principle of moving to All Out Elections and (subject to consultation, a further resolution and other legislative requirements) allocates the saving of approximately £150,000 per annum to public transport services from 2027/28 with base line contingency used from 2024/25 until the savings can be realised, or until the Council resolves not to do so.
4. Roads
That £200,000 from the Parking Reserve is allocated to further road improvement works and all remaining unallocated one-off contingency is reserved to fill potholes, repaint road markings and replace street signs.
5. Knife Crime
That £150,000 of one-off contingency funding is allocated to procure engagement sessions for all year 5 and 8 children in Milton Keynes for next three years (£50,000 per year).
6. Impact of Construction Dust
That £100,000 funding be allocated from the Public Health Reserve to commission an independent report into the impact of construction dust on resident’s health.
7. Council Tax
That the council tax increase be limited to 2.34%, funded from and reducing the base line contingency, and that £1.55m of the base line contingency be reserved for urgent in year pressures with any remaining balance ring fenced for finding a sustainable approach to public transport.
8. Bus Support for 450 (89) Bus Routes - Cllr Hopkins Amendment
That a £20,000 package of support measures, funded from unallocated one off contingency, with future commitments to be determined to help support the essential 450 (89) bus route(s) linking Woburn Sands and Wavendon with MK City Hospital and MK City Centre and which otherwise would be threatened with closure. Such support being subject to all relevant licencing and operating licences being in place