Milton Keynes Council papers have revealed plans to end weekly black bin collections in the city.
The plans were revealed in a November 2023 Committee Report. In the report under the heading ‘Future Savings Proposals – Optimised Frequency of Collections’ the Council stated: “This proposal is to reduce the frequency of the refuse (black bin) collection from weekly to fortnightly utilising the same vehicles (e.g. standard single compartment refuse collection vehicles.”
“No procurement or amendments to treatment contracts would be required… This could be implemented within 9-12 months of a decision but consideration should be given to coincide with any changes proposed and implemented to the organics collection service.”
The plans and detailed exploration work comes just 12 months after the changeover of the waste collection service from bags to physical bins which saw certain recycling collections move to fortnightly.
The Labour-led Council are also exploring these plans at a time when Council Tax is being raised for the 10th year in a row, with households paying over £600 a year more than they were in 2014.
Conservative opposition Cllrs have come out against the plans and promised to protect weekly collections if elected in May.
Olney Councillor Peter Geary said:
“Labour have a track record of charging higher tax and delivering less. That’s exactly what is happening on waste collection.
“These plans show their intent to remove weekly collections. The in-depth work that has been done means this is a real proposal and I expect they will move forward with the decision shortly after the election in May.
“Of course, they will deny it and pretend their own Council paper doesn’t exist. But it does and voters won’t be fooled.
“Removing weekly collections would be a real blow for families and is highly likely to worsen litter and fly-tipping rates in MK. It’s also a slap in the face of households who are paying more than ever before in their Council Tax thanks to Labour’s hikes.”
“Our commitment is clear, vote for your local Conservative candidate and we will do absolutely everything in our powers to stop Labour’s plans.”